Solid Waste Management | Orchid Hotels | 5 Star Hotels in Mumbai and Pune

Solid Waste Management:


While waste management is the last mile of a regular supply chain, for us it defines what we buy and use so as to waste as little as possible. The 3R’s Principle, Waste Segregation, etc. are some of the initiatives that we diligently follow.

We have a detailed waste management process that includes 3 R's


The 3 simple R's i.e. reduce, reuse and recycle. As an example of reducing, we avoid the default use of plastic straws, paper napkins, plastic cling wrap, etc. These are available at our hotel, though like fruits, they are provided only on request.

Garbage Segregation

Four Bin Theory:
The garbage generated by the property is segregated into four coloured bin as per their category -
  • Green Bin for recyclable waste,
  • Red Bin for non-recyclable waste,
  • White Bin for dry waste
  • Black Bin for bio-degradable and organic waste.
We even have two bins in every guest room to segregate wastes at the source.

Recycling Waste:

Dry waste and recyclable waste such as paper, plastic, metal and glass are sent out for third-party recycling. The in-house vermiculture unit utilizes the food waste that is generated and convert the food waste into vermicompost. This organic manure is then used for internal gardening and organic farming.

Soap Recycling:

We provide guest-used soaps to Sundara NGO for recycling. These tested, reprocessed and recycled soaps are distributed for free to children and women at the rural areas to promoted good hygiene practices.