A Sustainable Holi | The Orchid Hotel Pune | hotel-Pune

A Sustainable Holi

Streets painted in a myriad of colours, people dancing and making merry, children running around with pichkaris in hand and strangers singing together drenched in red, blue and pink. All of these signals the onset of the much-awaited Indian festivals of colors-Holi, also known as Shimaga.
Every Indian festival is unique and most often than not has a deeper meaning behind its celebration, Holi is no different. Holi celebrates the life and a new beginning. The varied colours used during this festival signifies the beauty and grace spring delivers to our nature. It is when we leave behind all the prejudices and insecurities of our past and embrace everything that life has to offers. Holi, in short, is the festival of opportunities.

It is more often than not that we tend to overlook the flaws and harm being done to us and our environment during any celebrations. Holi sadly is not an exception. The colours that we use are loaded with chemicals that can cause irreparable damages. A sustainable alternative to this problem is always appreciated. Listed below are a few ways one can ensure a safe Holi celebration.

Negligible use of water balloons

Without a doubt, water balloons are fun and wonderful to use, but rubbery residue that it leaves is definitely not fun for the environment. The rubber balloons or plastic packets used for containing colours make the space dirty and are almost impossible to clean afterwards. Plastic and chemically treated rubber being non-biodegradable are the worst for the environment and does not aid in sustainable living. Instead, it is better to use dry colours that are easy to clean and eco-friendly. At The Orchid Hotel Pune, we make minimal use of these harmful ingredients during our celebrations at our outdoor events venues

holi balloons
packet full of holi colours

Make colors from natural ingredients

The chemically constituted colors that are easily available in the markets are harmful to both our skin and the environment. Homemade colors made with natural ingredients are much better to use and can also be a fun DIY project for your kids to indulge in. Different dyes of colors like red, white, blue, yellow, green can be obtained from dry natural herbs. Use of such ingredients should be the norm when celebrating Holi for a sustainable future. The Orchid Hotel Pune is proud to be able to identify itself as an environment-friendly hotel. We believe in a sustainable future and urge all to be responsible even at the most mirthful of times.

holi party
holi celebration banner 2
holi party celebration 2

Celebrated every year around the month of March and gaining worldwide popularity, Holi, this year will be celebrated all over India on 20th and 21st of March, 2019.
When the world is at sync why should we, at The Orchid Hotel Pune be left behind?

We, The Orchid Hotel Pune, have always strived to provide happiness and joy to everyone associated with us. Thus, at our hotel in Pune, this year would be no different. We have, and will join-in with the rest of our country to celebrate the festival of colours-Holi, in honour of every new beginning. We have also made special room offers in the accommodation section available at our premium hotel for our guests to relish in. 
After the successful completion of Holi celebration last year and gathering many memories, we are back this year with the Season-II of the Pune Colour Festival 2.0. This year too, we have organized a colourful and fun-filled fest for our guests and attendees to have fun and enjoy themselves to the fullest. 

At Pune Colour Festival 2.0 in The Orchid Hotel Pune, you get to see happy faces dancing to amazing music and the amazing crowd coming together to enjoy in the much-beloved festival of Holi. Pune is about to witness the biggest Holi celebration with ‘Pune Color Festival’. With an amazing line up of artists and performances, we promise you a colour extravaganza along with amazing hotel deals and offers that will keep your feet thumping all day.
Come stay with us and join in the celebration of the festival of colours and make wonderful memories!